Autonomous Systems Security

Modularity x Security = Acceleration™

The Challenge

Autonomous Systems are everywhere impacting how we live, work, play, purchase goods and services, how we socialize, and even our commutes. These systems can stand alone or be connected to other autonomous or legacy systems leaving them vulnerable to traditional cyber-attacks. These attacks occur on wireless and networked communications, specific embedded control elements, and can also target control system functionality.

Secmation’s Autonomous Systems Solution

Secmation develops cybersecure technologies and rapid development frameworks to enable autonomous system designers to leverage advanced security capabilities without having to become security experts. Our approach gives engineers and software developers flexibility with actionable and understandable guidance to securely build systems while ensuring the security design and architecture follow every step of the way.

Secmation’s engineering tools can enable successful autonomous system designs by providing secure hardware and software design services and tools. We give control to engineers by providing the tools to "think like an attacker" and quickly find and eliminate security issues that could be exploited.

For more information on our autonomous systems development capabilities, tools and frameworks, please reference the presentations below.

Please Contact Us to learn more about our Autonomous Systems Security suite of tools.

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